Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Highgate Cemetery East, London, England

[visited 29 April 2014]

Highgate Cemetery in London is one of the very first garden cemeteries in the United Kingdom and is divided into East and West sections. The former is open to the public generally while the latter, being the oldest and of a more fragile nature, is accessible by both guided and self-guided tour (booking in advance is required).

While there are some truly wonderful sculptures here, especially in the East section,  I have included a number of graves with remarkable epitaphs as well.

For more information see the Wikipedia site as well as the cemetery's official website. Note there is an entrance charge.

Caroline Tucker

Elma Stuart

Elma Stuart née Fraser of Ladhope, Foxboroughshire

Whom for 8 1/2 years George Eliot called by the sweet name of daughter. She was pioneer in England of the Salisbury system of prevention and cure of diseases and author of “What Must I Do to Get Well? and How Can I Keep So?”

What tho’ thy name by no sad lips be spoken and no fond heart shall keep thy memory green. Thou hast left thine own enduring token, for earth is no as tho’ thou ne’er hadst been.

Few leave behind them such a beautiful memory, to be cherished in the hearts of their friends, as long as life lasts.

George Jacob Holyoke

George Jacob Holyoke 1817-1906 co-operator and social reformer

“I have cared more for co-operation than for any other movement in which I have been engaged.”

“Without honesty to principle there can be no progress in public affairs.”

Faithful, consistent, unswerving

A true soldier of liberty he sought and fought for the truth.

Karl Marx

Mansoor Hekmat Zhoobin Razani 1951-2002

To a great man, the essence of our lives, the polestar of my existence, the love of my life. Mercede.

Tom Wakefield


In Loving Memory of
Gordon John Twigg (Mummy’s Little Angel).
who died April 24th 1921, aged 3 1/2 years.

Perfect little body, without fault
or stain on thee.
With promise of strength and manhood
full and fair!
Though gold and stark and pare
The bloom and the charm of life doth awhile
remain on thee.
Thy mother’s treasure wert though
Alas! no longer
To visit her heart with wondrous joy,
to be
Thy father’s pride - ah he
Must gather his faith together, and his
strength make stronger.

Ann Jewson Crisp, 1794-1884 note the relief of "her faithful dog Emperor"

truer words were never spoken


Sweet thou art sleeping

Cradled on my heart

Safe in God’s keeping

While I must weep apart.


a man with a clear grasp of reality

an Italian who fought for the Union during the American Civil War yet buried in London


In loving Memory of 2nd Lieutenant Eric Lawrence Wainright, 15th Sikhs, I.A., and of Mussoone, India.
The adored husband of Alice Gertrude Wainright of New York, U.S.A., born 7th Aug. 1891, died 15th Sept. 1915, from gas poisoning contracted on active service.

He died as he lived, a hero to the end and is sadly missed by those he loved.

He did his duty.

Gordon Bell (middle name Ernest though he placed no importance on it), 1942-1995

"Tomorrow do thy worst
for I have lived today."

Patrick Caulfield, 1936-2005 - dead indeed!

This vault and monument was prepared and erected by John Henderson Smith, R.N.R, who commanded the Thames Nautical Training College, H.M.S, Worcester for over twenty-five years, for himself and his beloved wife Jessie Henderson and her dear sister Mrs. James Ross.

George Willett

Anna Mahler

Philip Gould, 1950-2011

Bruce Reynolds, 1931-2013 

"This is it! C'est la vie!"

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